V.A.T Relief

Information on how to claim relief from the V.A.T you have paid on your order if you have medical related hair loss.

Please fill in and submit the form below to claim relief from V.A.T

If you are dealing with a medical condition, receiving
chemotherapy, chronically sick or have alopecia, you can claim a V.A.T refund on any V.A.T paid on your order of a wig or topper. 

If you aren’t sure that you qualify for this option, please contact  your doctor or HMRC directly and seek advice as making a false declaration to the HMRC is fraudulent.

The value of V.A.T relief?

At the current rate, V.A.T is charged at 20%. Please note that this is not a discount, and will not be taken off your overall price. You can submit your V.A.T declaration to us by using the below form. Please also note that V.A.T will be refunded once you have received your order and you have let us know that you will be keeping your wig / topper.

V.A.T relief can not be claimed for items other than wigs / toppers.