Things to consider when buying a human hair wig.

“Cheap hair ain’t good and good hair ain’t cheap”
I was very lucky that my very first experience of a human hair wig was a good one.
I was 14 years old and my parents had somehow managed to get a Freedom wig funded on the NHS. Like I said, I was very lucky indeed!
My freedom wig was a game changer for me. It gave me the security on confidence and to get out of the house. It made me feel almost like a normal person again.
My Freedom wig lasted me around 2 years before my parents purchased another one for me. By the time I was 19 years old my Freedom wig was on it’s very last legs and as a new single mum I simply wasn’t in the position to buy myself a third Freedom wig so I had to search for cheaper options.
My search lead me to the Supplex wig by Trendco. The hair quality was lower than I was used to with my Freedom wig but I loved how the base was thinner and lighter and I soon adapted to the hair quality.
From the Supplex I then went on to try a few of Trendcos other human hair wigs. I wore the Diamond (loved it for the length!) the Amber, the Sapphire (I have a teeny tiny head) and then the Emerald.
I continued to wear Trendco human hair wigs until I discovered Follea hair back in 2011, a year after starting my own business helping other women with medical hair loss find wigs and toppers.
The purpose of today's post is to let you know from my own personal experience of wearing different types of human hair wigs that they each require different levels of care and commitment.
Read on to discover a few points that you definitely should consider before purchasing a human hair wig …
- Most types of human hair require styling after washing to keep them looking and feeling good. If you’re the type of person who absolutely does NOT like styling (as in blow-drying, straightening etc) then human hair other than the very best quality (such as Follea or Freedom hair) may not be the best option for you.
- A good quality human hair wig will last you longer then a synthetic wig if the length is past the shoulders. If you prefer to wear your hair longer, and you are happy to style your wig after every wash then give human hair a try.
- Human hair wigs vary massively in price. A trendco wig can cost around £500 whereas a Jon Renau human hair wig can cost anything from £1,200 upwards. Follea and Freedom hair are the most expensive starting at around £2,500 depending on length and hair colour.
- If possible, choose a wig salon where you can try on different qualities of human hair. Here in the UK the most popular brands of human hair are Trendco, Jon Renau and Follea hair.
- Are you willing (and able!) to put a side around 2 hours every week to wash, condition, blow dry and style your human hair wig?
As you can see from the above points, human hair wigs and toppers are higher maintenance in comparison to synthetic wigs and toppers but don’t like the extra effort needed to maintain them put you off.
1 comment
We are looking for a wig shop we can visit for our wig needs this weekend and want to ensure we choose only the most suitable. I’m glad I came across your writing and read tips about selecting a wig company.
I liked that you mentioned how a freedom wig could last around two years.
I will show this to my partner to see how this can help us decide what to consider when looking for a wig.